Aquarius Financial Year


It is always so much easier to plan when you know what the future might hold for you. Planning for finances is always tough, but it helps a lot if correct predictions can be made about your financial fate. We are here just to provide you the push that you would need for making better financial plans through our guided predictions.

Aquarius Financial Year

The financial year will be a mixed bag of fortune for the Aquarius moon sign natives in 2021. Saturn will remain posited in the twelfth house that signifies losses and expenditure. Jupiter is your planet of wealth and prosperity, and it will remain in its debilitated sign, Capricorn, for most parts of the year. Aquarius natives will see gradual but slow financial growth in 2021.

April 2021 to June 2021 – During this period, the planets in your horoscope will strengthen your financial position, as after 6th of April, Jupiter, your wealth Lord, will move to Aquarius sign, in your ascendant. You will be endowed with wisdom and patience, and your efforts will start shaping into a constructive form of financial gains due to the exaltation of Sun in the third house of efforts. Also, Sun will conjunct Venus and aspect the house of fortune, helping Aquarius natives save and accumulate wealth.

July 2021 to September 2021 – This will be quite a challenging period for the Aquarius natives in terms of wealth and finance. The finance horoscope of Aquarius sign indicates that losses will be there in the third quarter of 2021 because Jupiter will not only retrograde but will also start moving back to its debilitated sign, Capricorn, during this period. The time between July 2021 and September 2021 may give you some sudden medical expenses because a cluster of planets are present in the Eighth house & Twelfth house of your horoscope along with planet the Saturn, that are most likely to cause hurdles and challenges in life.

October 2021 to December 2021 – Aquarius natives will see a high rise in expenses during the last quarter of 2021 because your ascendant Lord, Saturn, will be posited in the twelfth house of losses and expenditure. You may face financial crunch in the months of October, November and December. This situation will further be aggravated by the placement Jupiter in its debited sign, Capricorn, in the Twelfth house. Also, Jupiter will conjunct with Saturn during this period. It is advised to keep a tab on your expenditure else, you will be stressed with unnecessary rise in expenses.

January 2022 to March 2022 – Your horoscope foresees gains on the financial growth. This period may bring you luck and gains because a cluster of planets will be present in your first house along with Jupiter that will guide you and help you make the best financial decision. Also, you will be able to make the best use of the limited resources through your manipulated efforts. Your career will bestow you with good income and benefits. You will get opportunities to make money and save as well.
